Merhaba, Bu diziye baktığımızda ilk sayının 2 katı 2. sayı; 2. sayının 3 fazlası ise 3. sayı oluyor. Bu durumda cevap 29 olacaktır. 1 2 5 10 13 26 29 Başarılar.a bc − d ef = b + a ⋅ cc − e + d ⋅ ff. Пример. 312−123=1+3⋅22−2+1⋅33=72−53=7⋅32⋅3−5⋅23⋅2=216−106=21−106=116=1⋅6+56=1⋅ 6 6 + 56=156.Look at the alternate terms of your sequence: These are: 1,5,13,29,... and the other terms are exactly twice the previous terms: 2,10,26 So, the next alternate term after 29 is 29+32=61./1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 /17 /18 /19 /20 /21 /22 /23 /24 /25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30 /31 /32 /33 /34 /35 /36 /37 /38 /39 /40 /41 /42 /43 /44 /45 /46 /47 /48 /49 /50 /51 /52 /53 /54 /55 /56 /57 /58 /59 /60 /61 /62 /63 /. 64 /65 /66 /67 /68 /69 /70 /71 /72 /73 /74 /75 /76 /77 /78 /79 /80 /81 /82 /83...The series is simple... Start from 1. Now 2*1=2. SO 48 is misplaced and it should be replaced with 58,61 and so on.
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I could claim 48 is the number because it is the only number that doesn't begin with a Fibonacci number. I could go on, and This Sequence is a sequence of couple, you can see. 1,2 is one couple , 5,10 in another one 13,26 and 29 ,48 are others. in this case 48 is wrong, because it must be 29*2,=58.12. 10.5. 29. 29. 45. 46. 13. 11. 29.5. 47. 48. 15. 13.Untitled. a guest. Apr 26th, 2016.Математика, 08.03.2019 00:10, g116663. Довжина сторони квадрата а см. склади вирази для знаходження периметра і площі квадратаю. знайди Химия, 20.03.2021 13:18. у реакцію з калієм вступила сульфатна кислота кількістю речовини 0,1 моль. який об'єм водню виділився?...

sequences and series - Find the $n$th term of $1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 26, 29...
Jawaban: 1-2-5-10-13-26-29-48= -132. sebuah balok mempunyai ukuran panjang 4 meter lebar 25 cm dan tinggi 10 cm Berapakah volume kubus balok.Подростковая обувь (от 7 до 10 лет).Pantuff Pantuff. O número 48 Observe que: O primeiro valor multiplicado por 2 resultará no valor seguinte, somando +3 resultará no próximo valor e assim sucessivamente: 1*2 = 2 2+3 = 5 5*2 = 10 10+3 = 13 13*2 = 26 26+3 = 29 29*2 = 58... não é 48. Espero ter ajudado.26 см. 41 RU. 29.7 см. 47 RU. 48 RU.13 to 26: the next prime (after 26) is 29; the second prime is 31 . So with that pattern established, one could say that 29 is the number that does not belong in Answered 5 years ago. Originally Answered: Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series: 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 - 13 - 26 - 29 - 48?
(*1*)A extra normal method to solving for the $n$th term of such sequences uses matrix multiplication. Suppose the even phrases are nonzero constant $r\neq 1$ instances the preceding abnormal phrases, whilst the unusual phrases are constant $d$ plus the previous even phrases. We have:
(*1*)$$ \startpmatrix 1 & 0 & d \ 1 & 0 & 0 \ 0 & 0 & 1 \finishpmatrix \startpmatrix a_2n \ a_2n-1 \ 1 \endpmatrix = \startpmatrix a_2n+1 \ a_2n \ 1 \finishpmatrix $$ (*1*)$$ \startpmatrix r & 0 & 0 \ 1 & 0 & 0 \ 0 & 0 & 1 \finishpmatrix \startpmatrix a_2n+1 \ a_2n \ 1 \finishpmatrix = \startpmatrix a_2n+2 \ a_2n+1 \ 1 \finishpmatrix $$ (*1*)Combining these by means of matrix multiplication offers the double step: (*1*)$$ \beginpmatrix r & 0 & rd \ 1 & 0 & d \ 0 & 0 & 1 \finishpmatrix \beginpmatrix a_2n \ a_2n-1 \ 1 \endpmatrix = \beginpmatrix a_2n+2 \ a_2n+1 \ 1 \endpmatrix $$ (*1*)The problem is then diminished to finding a closed shape for natural powers of the matrix: (*1*)$$ A = \startpmatrix r & 0 & rd \ 1 & 0 & d \ 0 & 0 & 1 \endpmatrix $$ (*1*)which can also be accomplished through diagonalization, since $A$ has three distinct eigenvalues [scrape_url:1]{title}
[/scrape_url],1,r$. (*1*)Represent $A$ with appreciate to the corresponding basis of eigenvectors: (*1*)$$ \left\ \beginpmatrix 0 \ 1 \ 0 \endpmatrix, \startpmatrix -rd \ - d \ r-1 \endpmatrix, \beginpmatrix r \ 1 \ 0 \finishpmatrix \proper\ $$ (*1*)and the resulting similarity transformation diagonalizes $A$, say $A = S D S^-1$ the place $D= \operatornamediag(0,1,r)$. Thus, assuming an preliminary price $a_1$ and $a_2 = ra_1$: (*1*)$$ A^n \beginpmatrix a_2 \ a_1 \ 1 \endpmatrix = S D^n S^-1 \beginpmatrix ra_1 \ a_1 \ 1 \endpmatrix = \beginpmatrix a_2n+2 \ a_2n+1 \ 1 \endpmatrix $$ (*1*)The powers of $D$ are explicitly $D^n = \operatornamediag(0,1,r^n)$, so this provides a direct expression for any phrases in the sequence ranging from $a_1$: (*1*)$$ a_2n+1 = r^n a_1 + \fracr^n -1r-1 d $$ (*1*)$$ a_2n+2 = r a_2n+1 = r^n+1 a_1 + \fracr^n -1r-1 rd $$ (*1*)profiting from the calculation DanielV carried out in the Comment under. (*1*)This matrix multiplication method can also be changed to care for extra basic mixtures of arithmetic and geometric regulations.Se7ety | Tools | IQ Test

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